Christmas Market

Yay, It’s that time of the year again!!  When the streets are transformed into a stunning sight.  The smell of Gluehwein, illuminated decorations with Christmas trees and people in jolly Christmas mood.

Germany is famous for its Christmas market with its biggest and first-ever Christmas Market.

This guide will help you with what to eat and drink at the Christmas Markets

1. Wurst (Sausage)

A visit to the Christmas market is incomplete without spotting a wurst stall with different varieties of sausages being grilled on a Schwenkgrill. In Berlin, it is quite normal to see the currywurst being a favorite choice.


2. Gebrannte Mandeln (Caramelized Almonds)

This delicious snack will attract you with its delightful aroma. The almonds come in different flavors and are an excellent choice for tasting on the go.

Almonds at Christmas Market

3. Langos

Langos a Hungarian specialty, is also famous in German Christmas Markets. The fried dough comes with a variety of toppings and is lip-smacking good.


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Food to try in Christmas Market

4. Stollen

What is Christmas without Weihnachtsstollen? Stollen is a traditional cake made with fruits and nuts and is covered with sugar.

Yummy 😛 Stollen Cake from Germany

5. Candy

There are candies for everyone at the Christmas Market. From the traditional Lebkuchen, which is a heart-shaped cookie to Fruchtige Köstlichkeiten, which is a chocolate-covered fruit on sticks. 

Christmas Candies
Christmas Market

6. Crepes

Who doesn’t love hot pancakes served on cold Christmassy night? These thin pancakes come with delicious toppings too. 

My go-to choice is crepes topped with Nutella. Mmmhh yummy!


7. Kartoffel Puffer (Potato Pancake)

These sinful looking fried pancakes are absolutely the ones to die for. They are made of Potato patties fried till they are hash browned.


“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”
― George Bernard Shaw

8. Gluehwein (Mulled Wine)

Christmas is incomplete without this German winter-drink. It is available everywhere in the Christmas markets.

Glühwein is usually prepared from red wine, heated with spices (cinnamon, cloves, star aniseed, citrus, sugar) and at times, vanilla pods. You can also make a shot of this drink with added rum or some other liquor. Delicious right?! 🙂 

This drink will surely make you glow with warmth from inside. It can give you a kick, extra quick, as you drink it warm. Enjoy this drink on freezing cold days. Cheers!

Sipping a glass of Gluehwein

9. Eier Punsch

This egg-based drink is famous in Christmas Market. It is made of egg yolk, sugar, vanilla and White wine.

10. Hot Chocolate

As yummy as it sounds, have a satisfying glass of Hot Chocolate. If you are feeling adventurous add rum to your cup.

Hot chocolate christmas market
What is Christmas without its Hot Chocolate?

11. Kinderpunsch

If you want to enjoy the Christmas drinks but do not want to drink alcohol, then this drink is the best for you.

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